As a Freelance illustrator who has been in love with drawing since I first picked up a pencil, I dedicate both working and free time to my artistic and creative abilities. I love nerdy things like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Doctor Who, and Star Wars, to name a few. I also really enjoy sharing things I learn so that others can develop their artistic practice.

My primary focus is on logo designs, private commissions, and children's book illustrations. My love for art and all things nerdy is never-ending, and hopefully, we all find the ride enlightening and amusing.

Why subscribe?

I have never been good at tooting my own horn but I hope that with a subscription you get a weekly-ish good news dose along with some art from my backlog of personal work over the years. I also want to grow and share more of my process and such but that will come with time as I find my stride creating this substack.

I will always appreciate paid subscribers, however at this time I am not paywalling my posts. That might be to my own detriment and if you do choose to be a paid subscriber I will try to think of some freebies and special stuff that I can maybe send your way. I don’t like the idea of forcing people to pay me though, which to me is what the subscription can do or imply.

My hope with this Substack is that as I go on my artistic journey we can take the ride together and all become better artists as a result. Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update.

Subscribe to Failing Creatively

As a Freelance illustrator who has been in love with drawing since I first picked up a pencil, I dedicate both working and free time to my artistic and creative abilities.


in love with drawing since I first picked up a pencil.